The book “Artificial Intelligence in Models, Methods and Applications” of the “Studies in Systems, Decision and Control” series (Springer publishing house) containing the works of the participants of the AIES-2022 conference has been published. The collection is available at

AIES-2022 Proceedings Published in Springer!
Section No. 6 “Artificial Intelligence in Bioengineering and Medicine”
November 17, 2022 Section No. 6 “Artificial Intelligence in Bioengineering and Medicine” will be available online on the platform: Full-time section will be held in building 6.1 on the street. Kutyakov, from 11-00 (Saratov time), VI building of the SSMU named after A.I. IN AND. Razumovsky, st. them. I.S. Kutyakova, 109. Registration/Connection of participants. 09:30-10:00 h.

Springer. AIES-2022
Authors can now publish their work in the Springer collection. English-language articles will be published in the book Artificial Intelligence in Models, Methods and Applications of the Stusies in Systems, Decision and Control series (Springer, Scopus). Download template (eng.)>> Submit an article (eng.) >>

AIES-2022. Air on 2×2 Radio
Scientists from UlSTU Gleb Guskov and Vadim Moshkin spoke about the development of artificial intelligence, bioinformatics and the international conference “Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Science – AIES-2022”, which will be held in November this year at the Polytechnic University👨💻